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Enter the Lone Ranger (Original title)
Dates: 1949 (Copyright), 15 September 1949 (Television)

Country: USA

Director: George B. Seitz

Synopsis: Western serial featuring the Lone Ranger Six Texas Rangers are led into an ambush by a crooked guide. Left for dead the sole survivor is nursed back to health by his Indian friend Tonto. Donning a black mask to hide his identity THE LONE RANGER and Tonto swear to avenge the murder of his friends.

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 15 September 1949Country: USALanguage: English - Black and White - Sound
Date: 31 January 1989Broadcast company: Channel FourCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 17:00-17:30Slot duration: 30 minsNetwork

Articles held in BFI Reuben Library (4)
In: City Limits n382 26 Jan 1989  Page: 75
Title: [City Limits - n382 26 Jan 1989: no known title]Article type: ReviewLanguage: English

In: Television Today n5626 9 Feb 1989  Page: 17
Title: [Stage - n5626 9 Feb 1989: no known title]Article type: ReviewLanguage: English
Description: Reviewed with WAGON TRAIN.

In: Classic Images n109 July 1984  Page: 48
Title: [Classic Images - n109 July 1984: no known title]Article type: ArticleLanguage: English
Description: Article on the origins of the character of the Lone Ranger.

In: Reruns v2 n1 April 1981  Pages: 5-6
Title: [Reruns - v2 n1 April 1981: no known title]Language: English
Description: Comment on the series and its impact.